Saturday, December 11, 2010

Not such easy pickings

There has been a lot of talk about all these Sansha invasions going on.  I am never in high sec and I have not been around when one happened.  Until last night.  I was in one my favorite low sec hunting spots (Kubinen) when there started to be chatter in local about a Sansha incursion.  I watched local spike from 6 pilots to over 90.

A quick check on scan showed all kinds of juicy expensive ships. I found out that the Sansha wormhole had opened up near planet 3.  My cloaky alt warped over and found a huge battle in progress between a bunch of folks with high sec status and NPCs.  I figured I would warp in and pick off a few targets on the edge while they were engaged with the NPCs.  It was such a mess that I figured I could get a kill or two before they knew I was there.


Well that was bad.  I decided to wait awhile and let the rats do some of my work for me.  My alt spotted a drake that was almost down.  Perfect.  I would warp in a a bigger ship, ninja the kill and GTFO.

Wrong again.

Apparently these carebears had some good security going on.  I was impressed.  After these two deaths I just let my alt hang around cloaked until the battle was over then I grabbed some loot to help cover my losses.  I think that I will leave the next incursion alone and stick with solo ganks.

How disappointing.

1 comment:

  1. From what I hear looting peoples wrecks is really the only thing you can do, other than attempt to kill somebody that is.

    At first CCP said everybody who was involved would get a cut of the loot/ISK. But then they changed it so only the fleet that did the most damage gets anything at all. While it makes sense, it leave most of the people who show up out in the cold. Including us pirates.

    Those carebears like to drop all kinds of faction/deadspace mods so it may be worthwhile to put a small looting party together.
