Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Death by a Thousand Cuts

I was feeling pretty smug off my recent solo kill of a Navy Raven Issue.  Guess I was getting cocky.  There was a noobish T1 frigate gang roaming around Adirain the other night that consisted of three Rifters, two Punishers, and an Incursus.  My corpmate engaged them his own Rifter at a belt.  I figured my Stabber Fleet Issue would make very short work of them so I warped to the belt and jumped in the fight.

My buddy's Rifter died from all the fired but I fully expected to get a couple of kills out of it until the gang fled from the power of the Stabber Fleet Issue.  Then the ECM ships showed up.  There were two Griffins that pretty much jammed my silly.

What followed next was a slow death at the hands of a bunch of T1 frigs.  I will say that the Stabber's tank was dang good and it took them awhile to wear me down.  Unfortunately I was webbed and couldn't get away.  It was very frustrating because every time one Griffin would miss a jam, the other one was able to pick it up.  I ended up dying without a single kill.

Ah well. It was a very well done trap and I tip my hat at those guys.  I've seen a couple of them flying around the area and I look forward to engaging them again, minus the ECM ships though.


  1. It certainly took some time and effort to bring down your Stabber Fleet Issue: like a pack of rabid hyenas tearing an hamstrung and immobilised hippopotamus to death, we eventually brought the beast down. Some factual correction must be made: we never "fled from the power of the Stabber Fleet Issue"; in fact, the second you warped in to heroically attempt the rescue of your dying comrade, we had you in the snares of our vicious little guns. I distinctly recall disengaging my scram from the Rifter to target your Stabber (we were the hunters), and us switching our firepower from the mortally wounded frigate to your cruiser (after we let it pop, of course). Nonetheless, it was a fine encounter and, given the opportunity, we will be glad for the opportunity to kill you again at a later engagement. Fly safe!

  2. I owe you an apology (I imbibed a few cocktails tonight) as I re-read your blog post: it seems I missed the crucial conjunction "until" in that sentence when I made my earlier posting.
